As a reult, notes were taken. Here they are:
Communications: Lessie (Boyette) Mitch
- website
- domain name
- forum
2008 - Just-Because-Reunion - Zina (Merseberg) Dabney to lead w/3 events
- Night Club (Rumors or Dave & Busters)
- Banquet (Hale Koa or Nehalani)
- Hawaiian Waters Park (family day)
- Start fundraising NOW
- Get with Reed Hisamoto regarding fund allocation
Ideas for 2008
- Gift Basket from each person ($25 limit) for gift exchange
- Door Prizes
- Memorabilia (souvenier t-shirt? hat?)
2011 - 25th Reunion - Las Vegas
Most classmates will be in their 40s & children will be grown or old enuf to leave alone for a week or so. Plan is for a one week spree in Sin City. (nah nah!)
Several classmates live in Vegas, info gathering to commence and be reported.
2016 - 30th Reunion - Boat Cruise
Alaskan Cruise is most favored. Mike Coleman to do research.