02 March 2007

Future Reunion Plans (Tentative)

During the beach-party of the 20th Reunion, there was much discussion about future reunions. John & Joann did an awesome job, but expressed the desire for more communication and participation from other class members.

As a reult, notes were taken. Here they are:

Communications: Lessie (Boyette) Mitch
  • website
  • domain name
  • forum

2008 - Just-Because-Reunion - Zina (Merseberg) Dabney to lead w/3 events

  1. Night Club (Rumors or Dave & Busters)
  2. Banquet (Hale Koa or Nehalani)
  3. Hawaiian Waters Park (family day)
  • Start fundraising NOW
  • Get with Reed Hisamoto regarding fund allocation

Ideas for 2008

  • Gift Basket from each person ($25 limit) for gift exchange
  • Door Prizes
  • Memorabilia (souvenier t-shirt? hat?)

2011 - 25th Reunion - Las Vegas

Most classmates will be in their 40s & children will be grown or old enuf to leave alone for a week or so. Plan is for a one week spree in Sin City. (nah nah!)

Several classmates live in Vegas, info gathering to commence and be reported.

2016 - 30th Reunion - Boat Cruise

Alaskan Cruise is most favored. Mike Coleman to do research.

20th Reunion - July 2006

On July 22, John & Joann Areola helped organize the 20th reunion at Rumors, located in the Ala Moana Hotel. A favorite night-spot for many, it was a great way to get together, catch up, and have some good fun!

Here are pictures Lessie (Boyette) Mitch took of the night!

The next day, some of us gathered at Haleiwa Ali'i Beach Park for some sun and awesome food. Zina brought some choice kaukau while the yearbooks were brought out. Plans were discussed for future reunions, and this blog is part of the results. Check back for future reunion info!

Past Reunions

If anyone has any pictures or information from past reunions, please send to leilehua1986reunion@gmail.com. We'd like to archive them for future reunions.
  • 5th Year - 1991
  • 10th Year - 1996
  • 15th Year - 2001 - I think we skipped having one this year
  • 20th Year - Lessie attended and has some photos. We want more!


First post.

Yay! Something a little less personal than that MySpace page and more condusive to my computer's RAM than Frappr. Besides, its cleaner here. ^.^

Welcome to the blog. As stated above, this is meant to gather information and share ideas for reunions of our graduating class from Leilehua High School. I'm sure others who graduated (or didn't) from other classes will cruise here, and we don't mind--but please keep comments and posts limited to the topic at hand. Of note, comment moderation is on for unregistered people. If you want to register, then by all means! But is not necessary.

With that said, on to reunion stuffs.