26 June 2011


August 26, 2011 Friday, Brunch
California Hotel (Ohana Room)
time: 12noon - 4pm ???
cost: TBA
"Live for Today, Dream for Tomorrow"

August 27, 2011 Saturday, Stag Night
the Palms Hotel (Playboy Lounge) ???
time: TBA
cost: TBA
"Blue Carpet Affair"

August 28, 2011 Sunday Banquet
California Hotel (Ohana Room)
time: TBA
cost: TBA
" The Greatest Love of All"

updates will be made around the first 2weeks of July 2011
thank you, your Leilehua sister Shanelle K. Punihaole

11 April 2011


Drop-Dead-Commitment Dates

  • Vacations Hawaii Travel Package - April 15, 2011 (contact Shanelle Punihaole on FB)
  • Room Reservations @ Golden Nugget - April 15, 2011 (contact Gareth Uyeda on FB or email to gareth.uyeda@gmail.com)
  • Attending Reunion - May 15, 2011 (contact any committee person on FB or by other means with your headcount for each event: Aloha Brunch, Stag Night, Banquet)
  • Submissions for DVD presentation/souvenier - June 24, 2010 (contact Lessie [Boyette] Mitch on FB or email to less.zoa@gmail.com)

We need to get our numbers together for everything. Travel commitments are needed ASAP! If you cannot commit now, you have to find your own way to Vegas!

Also, if you cannot commit to events by the deadline, you will pay DOUBLE THE COST to attend them!

Pass the word to other classmates! Reunion event dates are August 26, 27 & 28, 2011 (only a few more months)!

Committee General Email: leilehua1986reunion@gmail.com

Committee Members
Lessie Z. (Boyette) Mitch
Shanelle Punihaole
Hokunani (Knox) Domingo
Sandie Rivera
Deena Mendoza
Becky Whitson-Solmirin
Frances Ancheta-Sampaga
Renee Florez-Rivera
Gareth Uyeda

19 January 2011

25th Reunion Upate

As posted in /Facebook....

Others who graduated from LHS are invited to attend - but we may make the Banquet for c/o'86 only.
You can come earlier or stay later - but we need to know who plans on attending and how to get information to you!

Aloha Brunch - Aug. 26 @ the California Hotel
Stag Night - Aug. 27 @ the Palms
Banquet - Aug28 @ the California Hotel

Package 1 - for entire reunion events:
Depart HNL Thursday, August 25th @ 205pm, arrive Vegas @ 1045pm
Depart Vegas Tuesday, August 30th @ 725pm, arrive HNL @ 1045pm

Package 2 - for Stag Night & Banquet only:
Depart HNL Saturday August 27th, @ 10am arrive Vegas @ 640pm Depart Vegas Thursday September 1st @ 9am ... arrive HNL @1220pm

Both options are for $641.00/person and you pick which hotel to stay at - either the California or Fremont.

more info coming - check back!

Anyone can contribute to our fundraising efforts - contact any of the committee officers for info.

You can contact any of the Reunion Committee officers on facebook:
Lessie Z Mitch - prez
Shanelle Punihaole - vice prez
Hokunani Knox-Domingo - treasurer
Sandie Rivera - secretary

Or pass the word to other classmates who are actively assisting with the committee:
Deena Mendoza (Vegas Contact)
Becky Whitson-Solmirin
Renee Florez Rivera

This event will be updated as needed. Other important dates will be posted and announced as they come up!

The more people that come - the better the reunion will be! So plan on coming, update your contact information, and stay informed!

10 January 2011

Fundraiser Event @ 4Play

Howzit eveyone! Happy New Year!

To kick of our Reunion Year, we've organized a fundraiser to be held at 4PLay in Aiea!

January 30, 2011
Starting at 5pm until closing!
Yes, after the ProBowl!
No matter who wins - we still gonna have fun!

Tickets are $15.00 - or you can pay $20.00 at the door.
21+ (security will be checking IDs)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~as posted on Facebook~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We are having a Post-Pro-Bowl-Party @ 4Play in Aiea!
Tickets are for sale at $15 - or pay $20 at the door
(lemme know how many tickets you want!! Or any other member of the Reunion Committee can hook you up)
...21+ please (security will be checking IDs)

We have the bar the entire night!
Party starts at 5pm, goes on until closing (2am)
So what is a work night... come out and show your support!
(you can leave early if you want)

We are having Karaoke, games, prizes, and dancing
Bring some Pot Luck! Support our class! Have fun!

All funds generated will be used for the LHS c/o'86 Reunion in August - 25 years peeps - but we not so old yet we cannot party!

So come out & support us, have some fun after the game (no matter who wins we going have fun) and just mingle!

A hui hou!
Leilehua 1986 25th Reunion Committee
~~~Lessie Z. Mitch - prez
~~~Shanelle Punihaole - vice prez
~~~Hokunani Knox-Domingo - treasurer
~~~Sandie Rivera - secretary
~~~And other classmates who help-as-can! Thanks!